Coding Challenge Websites For Developers

Coding Challenge Websites For Developers


2 min read

Once we have learned the basics of a certain programming language, the next thing is how we want to apply them in practice to be able to understand. In this blog, I will share some of the awesome coding website to develop.


The CodeWars website is where you tackle every problem from easy to hard to get higher rankings. In this site, the ranking will be calculated according to the point called the kyu and depending on the level of the problem you solve, the score will be high or low. After finding a method for a problem, you can look at other people's answers to compare how the code is written and how effective it is.


CodinGame website helps you to actually play games while coding. It makes us approach problems more freely and happily, and increases the enthusiasm for problem solving. CodinGame supports more than 25 languages and here you can learn many algorithms and tips from good programmers in the world. It also goes from easy to difficult level so it suits everyone's learning needs.


The CoderByte website is a web application that allows you to practice and improve your coding skills. It has a lot of problems, arranged from difficult to easy, suitable for all levels of programming. In addition, it also has interview questions from big companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook to help us grasp the techniques needed to apply to these companies.


The Edabit website is where we can remember the basics and enhancements of a language by solving programming problems on this website. It will automatically calculate xp points every time you solve a problem. The more points, the higher the level.

Codepen Challenges

Codepen Challenges website is considered as a social network for programmers with pre-written scripts with many different programming languages to help you learn and interact with other programmers. Another interesting point is that each week the website will come up with a topic to solve and you and others will compete against each other to solve the problem quickly and optimally.

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